Academic Credit

This information is relevant to any study abroad programs that include non-WSU coursework (including exchange programs, provider programs, some faculty-led programs, etc.).

For programs including non-WSU coursework, students are enrolled in “placeholder credits” (E_A or ISE prefix) at WSU for their term abroad prior to their departure. Placeholder credits are given an “I” (incomplete) grade at the end of the term and remain that way until official transcripts from programs abroad are received and processed. If transcripts are not received within one year, incomplete grades will automatically convert to GPA-impacting failing (F) grades.

Students can check the status of their study abroad transcript and credits by referring to the following indicators.

  1. Check the status of your application in myStudyAbroad.

When Global Learning receives a student’s study abroad transcript, the status of that student’s application in myStudyAbroad is updated to “Transcript Received.” A scan of the transcript is also made available in the Documents tab of the application.

If a student’s application is in “Committed” or “Nominated” status, then Global Learning has not received that student’s study abroad transcript yet.

Be patient and keep checking. It often takes 2-5 months after programs end for transcripts to reach WSU, then they’re usually processed within 2-4 weeks of being received.

If your transcripts have not arrived after 4 months, contact your program provider or the university you attended to confirm a transcript was sent to the correct address. If the transcript was sent correctly but not received, please email

  1. Check your credits in myWSU.

If Global Learning has not evaluated and processed a student’s study abroad transcript, then the student will still be enrolled in placeholder credits (E_A or ISE prefix).

If Global Learning has evaluated and processed a student’s study abroad transcript, then the student’s placeholder credits will be dropped, and they will instead be enrolled in education abroad credits (ED_ABRD 9xx).

ED_ABRD course number guide

900-913 = Lower Division (non-UCORE)
915-929 = Upper Division (non-UCORE)
930-957 = Lower Division UCORE
960-987 = Upper Division UCORE
988-995 = Honors College Requirements
996-999 = Graduate Level

Upon processing study abroad transcripts, Global Learning also creates Education Abroad Credit (EAC) packets. EAC packets include transcripts from abroad, course pre-approval information, and a summary of which ED_ABRD course numbers were assigned to which courses from abroad. Once created, EAC packets can be found in students’ advising notes in myWSU and in students’ applications (Documents tab) in myStudyAbroad.

  1. Check your Academic Requirements report in myWSU.

After Global Learning processes study abroad transcripts, academic advisors are responsible for ensuring that education abroad courses satisfy the requirements they were pre-approved to fulfill. This is accomplished by entering exceptions into students’ academic requirements reports.

If a student is enrolled in education abroad credits (ED_ABRD 9xx), but the requirements that those education abroad credits were pre-approved to fulfill still appear as unsatisfied in myWSU, then the student’s academic advisor likely hasn’t yet entered exceptions to the student’s academic requirements report.