Requirements and Policies for Sponsorships

For sponsoring agencies

All sponsored students are required to maintain a valid financial guarantee letter with International Programs. Please provide copies of the letter to WSU and to your students.

Financial guarantee letters must contain the following information:

  • Student name
  • Degree to be pursued (for example: bachelor’s, ESL, master’s, or Ph.D.)
  • Dates of validity
  • List of charges covered
    • WSU accepts sponsors’ payments for tuition, mandatory fees, WSU health insurance (if covered by sponsor), and WSU housing charges (by request and if student lives on campus)
  • Statement confirming that the student has officially received the scholarship or sponsorship (a letter with the words “potential candidate” will not be accepted as official)

Send the financial guarantee letter directly to:

International Programs
Fiscal Department
PO Box 645121
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5121

For sponsored students

All sponsored students are required to maintain a valid financial guarantee letter with the Office of International Programs.

Please email a copy of your financial guarantee letter to the International Programs – Fiscal Department at

Your obligations

Your sponsorship is a binding agreement between Washington State University and the sponsoring entity. To receive sponsorship support, you will need to abide by the conditions set forth in the financial guarantee letter. If either you or your sponsor cannot meet the terms of the agreement, it will become your responsibility to pay tuition, fees, and any other charges.

Please contact International Programs and your sponsor IMMEDIATELY if you need to do any of the following:

  • Reduce your course load
  • Change your major
  • Transfer out of WSU
  • Cancel your enrollment
  • Take a leave of absence
  • Extend your program


WSU requires all international students to have medical (health) insurance.

If you have qualifying insurance, give International Student and Scholar Services a copy of your medical insurance card when you arrive at WSU.

If you do not have qualifying health insurance, WSU will bill your sponsor for WSU health insurance (unless the sponsor specifically states that they will not cover WSU health insurance).

Please check with your sponsor to verify their coverage of health insurance.

Billing policy

Guarantees to pay tuition and fees are sent to WSU student accounts prior to the first late-fee deadline (approximately the 14th calendar day of the academic term).

Invoices (bills) will be sent by email to the sponsoring agency unless the sponsor has specified other required methods of receipt.

An administrative charge of US$300 per academic term will be assessed to the sponsoring agency. This fee will be included on the billing statement each academic term. Fee is subject to change.

Fall semester

Invoice (bill) will be sent to the sponsoring agency by the first week of October. Payment is due 30 days from invoice date.

Spring semester

Invoice (bill) will be sent to the sponsoring agency by the second week of February. Payment is due 30 days from invoice date.

Summer session

Guarantees will be placed on student student accounts prior to the first late-fee deadline of the applicable summer session block.

Invoice (bill) is prepared and ready to send to sponsoring agency by the end of July. Payment is due 30 days from invoice date.

Late payments

If payment has not been received from the sponsoring agency prior to the billing cycle of the following semester, the guarantee will be reversed. All tuition and fees will be placed back on the student’s account. The student will then be responsible for paying tuition and fees.

If this situation occurs, the student will be unable to register for the next semester until the reversed charges are paid in full (or other arrangements have been made with the WSU Bursar). If payment from the sponsor is received after the guarantee has been reversed, all charges will once again be removed from the student’s account.

If a delay in payment is anticipated, please contact WSU International Programs as soon as possible.