How to Get Involved
Consider opportunities to put your personal experience and interests to use:
- Have you studied abroad?
- Are you an international student?
- Are you studying a foreign language?
Consider the type of goals you want to reach. Do you want to:
- Share personal interests?
- Earn credit for service learning?
- Find an internship at home or abroad?
- Join international clubs or student government?
- Be part of an interdisciplinary team?
Your experience and interests
Several on-campus programs need students with international experience and interests.
Have you studied abroad?
You do not have to leave your study abroad experience behind when you return to WSU. In these programs, you can share your experience and encourage others to take advantage of the life-changing opportunity to study abroad.
And yes, you can sign up while you are still abroad.
Consider these opportunities
Represent the country, city, and program where you studied. Global Learning Ambassadors help students choose locations and programs for study abroad.
Help other students live their dreams of going abroad. Share your experiences, inspire them, and help them achieve a higher level of cultural competency. Internship credit is available.
Help new international students acclimatize to U.S. culture and WSU. You will greet new international students at orientation and get to know them better as you spend time together throughout the semester.
As an Engage the World presenter, you will share your international experience and cultural knowledge with classrooms and community groups.
International and domestic students are paired up so that they can get to know each other, participate in each other’s culture, and earn service hours as Global Cougs.
The Friends and Family program offers students the opportunity to experience local family life firsthand. It also offers families the opportunity to have an international experience without leaving the Palouse.
An internship at the IP-International Center will help you build your intercultural communication skills, be a global leader, and contribute to an increasingly global society. Internships are open to international and domestic students. You can get internship credit and great experience for your resume.
Are you an international student?
Share your culture with the WSU community, engage in campus life, get work experience, and help new international students make the transition to U.S. student life.
Consider these opportunities
The International Students’ Council (ISC) is one of the university’s largest student government committees and is the official voice of Washington State University’s international student population.
Membership is open to all students. The International Students’ Council (ISC) offers leadership opportunities in a variety of positions.
Help new international students acclimatize to U.S. culture and WSU. You will greet new international students at orientation and get to know them better as you spend time together throughout the semester.
Connect with a local American family to share food, culture, and experiences. Please note, this is not a host family program.
There are more than 300 registered student organizations (RSOs) at WSU, including international student associations. Whatever your background and interests may be, a student club is probably on campus for you. International and domestic students alike are welcome in all organizations.
International and domestic students are paired up so that they can get to know each other, participate in each other’s culture, and earn service hours as Global Cougs.
As an Engage the World presenter, you will share your international experience and cultural knowledge with classrooms and community groups.
Represent the country, city, and program where you studied. Global Learning ambassadors help students choose locations and programs for study abroad.
Help other students live their dreams of going abroad. Share your experiences, inspire them, and help them achieve a higher level of cultural competency. Internship credit is available.
Are you studying a foreign language?
Contact the International Center.
The International Center offers many opportunities to practice conversing with native speakers (and help them with English in return). And it is a great place to relax, study, and meet new friends.
Consider these opportunities
More than 300 registered student organizations (RSOs) are at WSU, including international student associations. Whatever your background or interests may be, there is a student club on campus for you.
You could also join the International Students’ Council, one of the largest and most active ASWSU committees on campus.
International and domestic students alike are welcome in all organizations.
International and domestic students are paired so that they can get to know each other, participate in each other’s culture, and earn service hours as Global Cougs.
Are you a transfer from a community college?
We would like to hear from you. Share your experience with other transfer students.
Your goals
What kind of international experience are you looking for?
Service-learning and volunteer opportunities
The International Center offers multiple programs with volunteer opportunities. IC staff will help you find the right match that fulfills your academic requirements or personal goals. Please visit us in the CUB in L46 to learn more.
An internship at the International Center will help you build your intercultural communication skills, be a global leader, and contribute to an increasingly global society. Internships are open to international and domestic students. You can get internship credit and great experience for your resume.
Global Learning Peer Advisor
If you have studied abroad while at WSU, you could help your fellow students live their dreams of going abroad. Share your experiences, inspire them, and help them through the study abroad process. Ask your academic department if internship credit is available for this experience.
Student government
The International Students’ Council (ISC) is one of ASWSU’s largest committees and is the official voice of Washington State University’s international student population. Membership is open to international and domestic students. The International Students’ Council (ISC) offers leadership opportunities in a variety of positions.