If you intend to enroll or are admitted to a different school in the U.S., plan to transfer your SEVIS record from WSU to the new school. This ensures your immigration record follows you to your new school.
Contact your academic advisor for questions about academic record transfer.
Please refer to the below FAQ before you request the transfer.
Eligibility and requirements for students on an F-1 visa
Criteria for transfer
- Be admitted first to your new school, which must be a SEVIS-approved school for a full-time program.
- Obtain an official admissions letter from your new school.
- Begin your classes at your new school within 5 months of your last day at WSU or if on OPT, then post-completion OPT end date (last date of employment mentioned on your EAD card).
Timeframe for transfer
- Your classes at the new school must begin within 5 months of your I-20 end date or post-completion OPT end date.
- ISSS will have to transfer your record within 60 days of your I-20 end date or within 60 days of your OPT completion.
You can transfer directly from WSU to another U.S. university/institution, however you must have maintained lawful F-1 status throughout your program of study.
Students in active status
- Maintained immigration status throughout the semester
- Final semester students, after completion of classes and prior to the end of grace period (up to 60 calendar days after program end date on your I-20)
If you are employed on campus or on internship (CPT), you must stop employment the day before your record is transferred.
Transfer eligibility
- Students on F-1 or J-1 immigration status are eligible to request a transfer.
- Students with completed SEVIS record or in initial or terminated status cannot have their SEVIS transferred to new school.
Please contact ISSS to check your immigration status before requesting a transfer.
Documents required to request transfer out
- Submit the request through myPassport; select Transfer and Departure form under F-1 Student Services.
- The admission letter must be on the letterhead of the new school and uploaded to myPassport.
- The letter must specify the first day of the semester or quarter at the new school you will be attending.
- The official school code (SEVIS Code of the School) is required.
- You may ask your new school for the SEVIS code. This is required for ISSS to transfer your records.
Selecting a transfer date
- Current students: must maintain enrollment in current semester; usually students choose a date after classes end for the current semester
- Students with a completed program: SEVIS record must be released from WSU within 60 days of program end date listed on your I-20
- Students employed on OPT starting at a new school: choose a date after your last day of employment and before your new program begins at the new school
Documents and policies of new school
- Please check with the International Office at the new school for preferred release of your SEVIS.
- If your new school requires a transfer-in form completed by our office, please note that ISSS DOES NOT process the transfer-in forms.
- Your new school can request a letter from the DSO at ISSS regarding your immigration status by sending an email to ip.intlservices@wsu.edu.
- It is not possible for our office to issue you an I-20 once your record is transferred to your new school.
- Work with your new school to have a transfer-pending I-20 issued to you.
Traveling outside the United States (after requesting transfer of SEVIS)
If you are traveling outside the U.S. prior to beginning the program at your new school, please be advised that:
- You must reenter the U.S. with the new school’s I-20.
- If your SEVIS record has been released/transferred to the new school, our WSU I-20 and travel endorsement will be invalid
- When reentering the United States with a “transfer pending” I-20 from your new school, you can use a valid F-1 visa issued for attendance at WSU or previous school