April 30, 2021 Immigration Advisory


  1. International travel advisory
  2. Vaccine requirements for students and employees for fall 2021
  3. ISSS hours in summer
  4. Changing levels (bachelor’s to master’s or PhD, master’s to Phd, non-degree to degree seeking)?
  5. Become an International Admissions Ambassador

  1. International travel advisory

We understand the desire of international students to reunite with their families during this time, but if your F-1 or J-1 visa stamp is expired and you intend to return to the U.S. to resume your academic program this fall, we strongly recommend you reconsider your plan and remain in the U.S. during the summer.

Students in the situation above will need a valid visa to re-enter the United States, and for that, they must apply for a visa renewal at a U.S. consulate abroad. There are increased delays and restrictions on visa issuance due to the pandemic, even for visa renewals, so we urge that if you are in this situation (holding an expired visa but planning to travel internationally) please speak with an international student advisor or your local DSO BEFORE traveling internationally.

The State Department announced this week its National Interest Exception (NIE) to COVID-19 restrictions for travelers coming from China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, the Schengen area, United Kingdom, and Ireland is available only to those already with a valid visa stamp in their passport.

  1. Vaccine requirements for students and employees for fall 2021

WSU announced it will require proof of the COVID 19 vaccination for the 2021-22 academic year for all students engaging in activities at a WSU campus or location starting this fall. WSU will accept proof of any vaccine that was authorized for use in the United States at the time of administration and will work with any international students and employees who may have received a different vaccine.

Exemptions will be allowed for medical, religious, or personal reasons. Information about how to submit proof of vaccination and the process to request an exemption are still in discussion and will be provided in the coming months. ISSS will make sure to update students through this advisory as more information becomes available.

Please visit the WSU Covid-19 FAQ for more information.

  1. International Student and Scholar Services hours in summer

ISSS will remain open virtually throughout the summer from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Pacific time. Open advising hours those days will remain available between 1 and 3 p.m. Feel free to contact our office during these times if you need to speak with an International Student Advisor.

  1. Changing levels (bachelor’s to master’s or PhD, master’s to Phd, non-degree to degree seeking)?

If you completed one level of study (Academic English, Bridge, bachelor’s, master’s, PhD) in spring or summer and will be beginning a new, different level in fall 2021, please note that you MUST check in with ISSS or your local international student advisor in August 2021. If you are traveling internationally this summer (despite our recommendation not to in item 1 above), note that your I-20 will be changed and we need to report to the U.S. government that you plan to return and will be pursuing a new degree level. You will need the new I-20 to re-enter the U.S., so please visit our office or your local DSO prior to your departure.

  1. Become an International Admissions Ambassador

Are you a student leader at WSU who is passionate about Washington State University? Are you fluent in another language? Would you like to speak to high school students and share your experience about WSU? Consider applying for the International Admissions Ambassador position!

International Admissions Ambassadors are student leaders who enjoy making an impact on the lives of high school students outside the United States.

International Admission Ambassadors are expected to contact international high school students by email and phone, provide campus tours to visiting international high school students, families, and guests, and share their experience at WSU with international high school students.

To learn more about the position, email: farah.antoine@wsu.edu

To apply to be an International Admission Ambassador click here.