Become a member of WSU’s Fulbright community

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Are you a current or past Fulbright recipient?

Are you interested in becoming a Fulbright faculty, student or professional scholar?

If you answered yes to either of the above or are curious about the U.S. Dept. of State’s Fulbright Scholar program active in 160 countries, it’s time to sign up for WSU’s Fulbright Academy email list. Members will receive information about the Fulbright program including best practices, application types, deadlines and available resources. They may also share their own Fulbright stories, ask questions and provide suggestions to the Academy community.

“Ever since multiple WSU offices collaborated to establish the Academy in 2011, it has provided Fulbright training, education and activities for outgoing and incoming Fulbright faculty, students and professional staff,” said Erin-Kae Rice, a WSU Fulbright liaison. “Their combined resources and expertise support successful Fulbright applications as well as a welcoming environment for visiting scholars at WSU.”

WSU is a leader in producing Fulbright awardees and the Academy is one way of honoring the work they do here and abroad. Competitively selected, Fulbrighters receive generous scholarship grants to study, conduct research, or exercise their talents abroad. About 390,000 worldwide have participated in the program since its beginning in 1946; WSU’s first recorded Fulbright scholar and soil scientist/soils section chair S. C. Vandecaveye, Ph.D., shared his expertise in Ghent, Belgium, in the 1949-50 program year.

Visit the WSU Fulbright Academy for more information.