June 11, 2021 Immigration Advisory – Special Edition

Please read this information as a guide to help you with your remote studies and to maintain valid immigration status.


  1. Enrollment requirements for fall 2021
  2. Learning Support Center
  3. Lauren McCluskey Race for Campus Safety

1. Enrollment requirements for fall 2021

Since most WSU programs will have a robust in-person experience, ISSS interpretation of SEVP guidance is that it applies to schools that are continuing to stay all or mostly online. Therefore, international students will need to be enrolled in at least one course that is classified as in-person to keep their F-1 SEVIS record active. Students should plan to physically come to WSU this fall.

Below is a short FAQ to help clarify some of WSU requirements.

  • Can international students and scholars travel to the U.S. without the vaccine?

o   Yes, you can travel to the U.S. without a vaccine. Currently, you do need to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test before you board a plane to the United States. More information about that is here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/before-you-go/covid-19_testing_required_US_Entry.html

  • Can international students and scholars receive vaccine upon arrival?

o   Yes, students and scholars can receive vaccine upon arrival.

  • Are vaccines received outside the United States acceptable?

o   Vaccines that are received outside of the United States are acceptable only if they are listed on the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use List (EUL).

  • Where can I find the vaccines listed on the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use List (EUL)?

o   To see the vaccines listed on the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use List (EUL) visit: https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/sites/default/files/documents/Status%20of%20COVID-19%20Vaccines%20within%20WHO%20EUL-PQ%20evaluation%20process%20-%203%20June%202021r.pdf

  • Do I need proof of COVID-19 vaccination to come to the United States and specifically to WSU?

o   No, you are not required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. However, if you have been vaccinated, please provide evidence of that vaccination when you come to WSU.

  • How do I maintain my visa status this year now that WSU is returning to more normal operations?

o   You will need to be enrolled in at least one course that meets in person. If you want to stay in a virtual learning environment, please contact us so we can advise you of options. Most WSU programs will have a robust in-person experience, which means you should plan to physically come to WSU.

  • Which offices should I contact if I have questions? 

o   Current international students and scholars can contact: ip.intlservices@wsu.edu.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions.

2. Learning Support Center

The Learning Support Center is open again and is here to help all international students and scholars! Come see our new space in Kruegel G-10, the basement of Kruegel Hall. If you haven’t looked at the LSC website yet, you can find it here.

The site includes a complete tutoring schedule with convenient hours where you can find a live tutor to help you with your classes (including evening hours!). Find the tutor schedule here. Tutoring hours are still available virtually through Zoom.

If you have any questions about the LSC and what it has to offer, please reach out to Lauren Reed at lauren.kruger@wsu.edu or come see her in the Learning Support Center on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

3. Lauren McCluskey Race for Campus Safety

The third annual running of the Lauren McCluskey Race for Campus Safety (LMRFCS) will happen this fall, with options for in-person or remote running. If all goes as planned, this will take place in person on Saturday, Oct. 2, in Pullman although there will also be a virtual option during the previous week (Sept. 25-Oct. 2) for those who would like to participate from far away.

Also, this year there will be a competition for the design of the race t-shirt. The winning design will receive a $750 award and will get to work with the race shirt vendor to optimize the design for printing on the selected shirts. There will also be one runner-up prize of $250.

The deadline for submission for the t-shirt is Sunday, July 11, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time. Submissions should be sent to mgduggan@stanford.edu. More information about the artwork design requirements and the race can be found here.